The latest take on the cyber world | Bret Bergman


The latest take on the cyber world


Bret Bergman

Bret Bergman

Bret has over 25 years of experience in electronics, high technology and consulting including many years in cyber security. He was the original VP/GM of Internet Security System’s Managed Security and Knowledge Services Business Unit. He also spent 10 years running a semi-conductor equipment manufacturer with facilities in U.S. and Korea during which time his firm consulted companies on microchip level security. Bret is currently our Principal in Partners in Performance America.

Recent Posts

Posted 24 October 2019

by Bret Bergman

"Wire" cyber in from the start

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Posted 26 September 2019

by Bret Bergman

The sky is falling...

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Posted 02 August 2019

by Bret Bergman

Crossing the Great Divide

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